Coney Island Style Hot Dog

Snappy dog, meaty sauce, mustard, onions, Coney Island Hot Dog

As a South African when we talk about a hot dog its generally a mass produced vienna sausage on a day old roll topped with ketchup and yellow mustard (if you are lucky). Today I decided to change that. I was watching a YouTube channel and they were tasting hot dogs from around the US and the one that really stuck out was the Coney Island hot dog so I tried making my own version.

I think the secret to a Coney Island Dog is the chili. Because it was just my Wife and I eating I started with about 200 grams of beef mince that I fried off in olive oil. Once broken up and well fried I added half a white onion finely diced and some salt. Fry until your onion is translucent. While you wait mix your spices together. Add the Worcestershire sauce and spice mixture into the pot with the tomato paste and water. Cover and cook for at least an hour. You don’t want the mixture too dry as you are using it a as type of sauce. Taste 30 minutes into cooking and add additional salt if needed.

The rest is standard hot dog fare. Finely dice the other half of your onion and set aside. Either boil your franks or grill them as I did. Make sure you don’t dry them out!

I butter the hot dog rolls but if you feel there is no need go ahead and place your frank into the roll without butter. Add your well cooked and seasoned chili, raw onion and a good squirt of yellow mustard…no ketchup please!!! Finely shredded cheddar is an option but I find it far too rich for an already indulgent hot dog.

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