Refreshing Caipirinha

Refreshing Caipirinha with Limes, sugar, cachaça, ice cold, Brazilian citrusy delight

I’m not sure if Caipirinha is well known but it sure is tasty. Its one of those drinks that screams summer and I absolutely love it.

It’s made with something called Cachaça and after some research it may sound like a white rum, it is not…It has a taste you will never replicate with any other spirit so please try find Cachaça  for this recipe. In Mozambique you can find a similar spirit called Pitu and it may be available in your local liquor store.

The next most important ingredient is lime. I have seen people use lemon but lime is best. Start with a few lime wedges in a glass with a few teaspoons of white or brown sugar (add to your taste) and muddle them up with a muddler. Make sure your sugar is dissolved before moving on. Add about 30ml of Cachaça  and stir to combine. Next is loads of crushed ice. Add as needed and stir. You don’t want to add any additional liquid, your ice will make sufficient liquid.

Top with additional slices of lime and enjoy!

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